Friday, April 15, 2011
I Could Settle For A Slow Down...

Friday, March 25, 2011
Competition Season

Finally, my two high schoolers Paige and Chandler or as I like to call them Paigey & Chan Chan (haha). They took on the task of learning one of my highly emotional lyrical pieces. Christina Agularia's "You Lost Me," started out as a combo this past summer for a lyrical class I was subbing for. The owner of the studio loved is so much it became Paige and Chandler's lyrical duet to compete with. I found this very interesting considering I know I would have spent SO much more time coming up with a concept and material HAD I KNOWN this little combo would develop into a routine! Instead I just went with heart and feeling to make movement to this amazing song. Chandler and Paige do me MORE than proud when they perform. Standing off in the wing last competition in tears I have never been so proud to have any of my work performed they way they did with such emotion and dedication. Seeing both of them tear up the first competition while performing really showed me that I was doing more as teacher than just teaching them dance, I was showing them what dance emotionally was all about and I didn't have the chance to experience till college. I love working with these girls because they are almost old enough to understand the meaning behind things and the dedication it takes to be a good dancer. If you are in Raleigh next weekend YOU MUST come see them perform. They are something else.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Life After the Holiday Season
The holidays are gone. My two week break from teaching is sadly over. And my mailbox is currently filling up with bills and tax filing information. In a way I am glad the holidays are over. My credit card gets a break and I only have to go two more weeks before I can get a paycheck.
2011 seems to be a bit more promising in big girl land. I remember back to this time a year ago how I was so excited that it was 2010 because it was "our" year. I spent New Years Eve in my wonderful Meredith apartment with my amazing roommate and her awesome photography skills excited for the year to head my way. As I welcomed in 2011 a week ago I decided to go out for once on New Years instead of sitting in on the couch and waiting for Dick Clark to drop his ball on Times Square...which I will attend one year...it is on my bucket list. I was surrounded by my friends dancing and celebrating. Even though I had to wait till New Years Day to get my "real" kiss of the New Year, I was fortunate enough to get many good luck cheek kisses from my wonderful guy friends. I knew that night I was fortunate to be surrounded by my good friends to ring in yet another year.
2011 has a lot to look forward. To begin...
- I have not one, not two, but SIX weddings so far to be apart of/attend. This will involve a lot of celebrating my friends next BIG step into the big world.
- It will be my first year having my choreography judged at competition with my lovely students. Five pieces of my work will go to competition starting in February. This is very nerve racking but I know will help shape me even more as a teacher.
- I will be leading my own two week dance camp this summer for the town of Garner. BIG DEAL. I guess working for the town part-time has its perks!
- I will be attending the PULSE tour which is a dance convention of all the top choreographers of today's time such as Mia Michaels, Wade Robeson, Laurieann Gibson, and so on. Really excited to be taking there classes and be standing within 10 feet of all these people.
HOWEVER there are things that I need to work on for the year
2. Find a permanent living situation for myself so I won't have to worry about moving anymore.
3. Continue to stay creative with my choreography
4. Start saving money better considering I have to live off it during the summer
5. Don't sweat the small stuff
6. ALWAYS stay happy for others in there endeavors...one day I will want them to feel the same for me
7. Find some sort of community service involvement
8. Have more girl nights...much needed girl nights
9. Learn to cook more in depth recipes
10. Get a puppy...no puppy will ever replace little Lily but (wo)man needs her best friend
Hopefully I can accomplish those 10 goals. If so I would be quite content with myself. So here is cheers to a new year, a new beginning, and a promising future.
Friday, December 17, 2010
End of 2010
It has been a costly year with a new apartment, new expenses (bills), and attempting at saving a little puppy's life. All these things have come with great headache but I have grown from them to say the least.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Things I love about Fall
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
My Kids

I have to admit I am a fan of the MTV "Teen Mom." Tonight's finale episode got the water works going when one of the Mom's Caitlynn was reunited with her daughter a year after giving her up for adoption. Although she was sixteen when she made the decision, I feel like she was very grown up and mature with her decision because she herself knew she could not provide what this child deserved. Her reunion with her daughter really brought to attention to the fact on how children can effect and alter your life.
Children change adults lives. They can make you happy when you are sad. They always give you something to laugh about and it is very hard to stay mad at them. I love seeing my kids. My kids change my life. They teach me something new everyday.

This is why I am a teacher.
Friday, October 8, 2010
When you were 4 years old.
It's entertaining to observe the four year olds I have in class. As a teacher its interesting to sit back and think...is this how I acted when I was little? Did I really believe in all those myths that Disney was telling me through those very popular Disney Princess' about true love, blah, blah, blah. I almost want to take these little girls by the hand and say, "Honey, I know that Ariel is all cool and everything and she totally grew legs and fell in love with a guy while having no voice...but in the real world you are going to have to work a lot harder than that to land your true love so just push all those fairy tale ideas out of your head."
Things are so simple in the eyes of a child. They play pretend and believe one day they will grow up to be a Princess. Playing house is fun. A child wants to collect as many baby dolls as possible and take care of them as their own. Dressing up is fun. High heels are comfortable. A huge tree can easily become your dream home.
Think about it. What were your favorite things to do when you were small? What did you dream of. Being around these kids keeps me young...allows me to remember what is important about being a child. One day they will figure out that they probably will never be a princess and "playing" house is actually really quite difficult and having lots of babies is not something you want to collect unless you desire to be Kate Gosslin and as for your dream home...well it very well may end up being a tree in this economy.
So until they grow up its sweet to watch them dream. I could never spoil those dreams for them now because that is what keeps everyone going...dreams of better days.