1. Death
2. To Love
3. From Yourself
So the big question of a lifetime is...how to save a life?
The funny thing is we watch people loose their lives everyday. We see people die on the news every single day, but the only thing that we do is watch the tragedy unfold and pray it won't happen to us anytime soon. People get bad news about family and friends every day and even if we know this certain individual is given a certain amount of time in their lives we still cannot save it. In my opinion, the way to save their lives is to let them know that those final months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes that they saved your life by being apart of it. They made your life meaningful and all you can hope is that you have done the same and that you've done everything to show them this. Maybe they won't make it to see you graduate college, or to get married, or see your children, or basically start your life as an adult. But you do know that they flourished and made you into the person you are today. Without them in your life you wouldn't have anything you have today.
Maybe it is better to let them go this way. Allowing themselves to slip away from life, a relationship, or the situation that seems to have control over their lives. Maybe it is the way to save a life even it the life in reality is lost.
So you grieve, you expect things to never be the same, and it almost seems impossible to move on but eventually you will realize that they will see you graduate college, get married, have children, and watch you start your adult life from a better place. And you will be at a better place because you know you want them to see the influence they had on your life and how it will always be present. You will always remember what they did for you and only hope to be half the person they were because you know there will never be another one just like them.
So we may not know how to literally save a life...but we do know how to make it seem like we did and eventually we may just have saved more than a life...we may have saved the memories and important value of that specific life.