So the end of 2010 is fastly approaching. It seems weird that such an epic year is coming to a close so soon. I remember last year at this time I was nothing but pumped for the year 2010 because it was the year that I had been waiting for what seemed like forever. This was the year I was finally going to be forever finished with school and be able to start my new life! As I look back on the year I think about all that I have done/accomplished/been through/paid for (most important).
It has been a costly year with a new apartment, new expenses (bills), and attempting at saving a little puppy's life. All these things have come with great headache but I have grown from them to say the least.

I have to look back on the year on the good things though. I graduated college, I have two jobs that provide for me. I am teaching dance to some wonderful kids, I have a place to live, and I have kept up some pretty important friendships. For that I have to be thankful for what I have. Bad things will always come up but I believe it is all about how you approach them and what you learn from them. Now as I face 2011 I have to look forward to a LOT of close friends getting married, unfortunately a new living situation, heading a dance camp this summer for the town of Garner, and hopefully new developments within my career. Maybe within 2011 I can become finacally stable, find a decent living situation, and try again at the whole man's best friend. As long as I surrounded by important friendships and my family I know I will be able to make it through as much as I can.

Cheers to 2011!