Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I am currently working on my DanceWorks piece for April. I've always had such a hard time finding the motivation to have a certain meaning behind a dance but for some reason this semester it just came to me. My dance will focus on verbal abusive relationships. This can range from what an individual would automatically think of when seeing the words "verbal abusive" to the smallest words that someone could say to you that could hurt you the most. It is a very emotional score for me to tackle. Most people do not know a lot about my life because I choose to hide a lot of it, but for almost of my life I have witnessed verbal abusive relationships in many forms. It is something that is difficult to admit and also absorb in your life.
Whether or not you witness it, are a victim, or are the actual cause of it...the results are unhealthy, undesirable, and life alternating. It can change everything. It is something so hard to run away from. Usually someone who suffers through this type of relationship will stick it out and hope for the best but always knowing deep down that it may never come. So far that is what I have based a lot of the movement on...no matter how much this individual may defer me I will always go back hoping that there is a different way.
So as life goes on different things happen everyday that motivate me creatively to make this piece. Its been a huge leap of confidence to take my everything and put it on stage but I figured its your last performance ever as a college student....go for it. Stay tuned.

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