Recently I have been wondering about my future. Where I want to go with my career and where I see myself in a year. I know I want to teach. I teach now at a studio and I love being involved with the students and know that I am the one impacting their dance lives. The question is do I want to start that career immediately? This is where I am leaning more to the negative side. I feel like I have so much potential to go and further my dance knowledge, to attempt to become someone with the talents I posses. I keep seeing my friends venture into internships, grad/medical school applications, and I feel like all I have to look forward to is what I am already doing on a daily basis.
I feel like its time to take that leap, to go for those huge goals that only seem to be dreams. Why not take a chance and think about dancing professionally. Becoming someone and building my name to actually be a well known public figure. Lately I feel like I've just settled for what I have. I haven't pushed myself to the next level. This could come from many reasons, family, friends, trying to plan things moments in life that aren't secure enough to allow myself to put all my eggs in one basket. I feel like maybe its time for a change of focus. What is it going to hurt to make an attempt? At least I can say that I tried, that I took a chance instead of looking back years from now not happy with my life and wishing that I had tried. Having regrets.
Maybe it is a change of scenery. For once maybe I should go where I want to go and take an attempt at what I want to do. Not stick around here because it is the safe choice or because maybe my relationships will fall through with friends or because maybe I will miss out on events in my family. What if this giant leap gets me what I've always wanted....a chance at performing for as long as I can physically make it. It's taken so many events in my life currently to realize that I don't need to fill my life with other peoples lives. Its my chance to concern myself with my life and what I want and need. I'm not trying to be selfish but I am trying to find whats best at the moment. Honestly I feel like this is the best.
I hope to be in NYC one day. Ever since I went back in January I have missed the city, the sights, the opportunities, but not the expenses. I see NYC on TV and movies and it takes all I can not to go and order a one day round trip flight to the city. I need a change of scenery. I need a change period.
So even though it is my senior year in college, maybe its not too late to take a chance at what I want. Maybe trying well at least open new doors. No one said it would ever be easy to do but they also didn't say that it wasn't possible.

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