Take a look back at your favorite picture. What is the picture of? Who's in it? Why is it your favorite? What memory do you hold from that photo?
Pictures hold lots of memories. Mainly good ones. It is very rare to find a picture that holds a bad memory. I have a lot of pictures that I consider my favorites. Every time I look at those pictures I remember the feelings I had, the memories I shared there and with whom, and some times how I wish I could go back to that memory and hold it forever. It's entertaining to look back at your life.
Look way back to high school. Its heartbreaking for me to see yourself. The happiness I had in those years was the kind of happiness you long to last forever. The happiness that comes from pure innocence. Sadness came from saying goodbyes, that were never really goodbyes unless you made them that way. Worry free, just living life as full as possible.

Freshman year of college, it was a trying time in my life, but when I think back now I was surrounded by new friends, new experiences, a life on my own, and someone who loved me dearly. I found myself upset at times that year, not knowing what I exactly wanted from my life. I look back now and my life was ideal. Life was carefree, fun, and all I could ask for.

Sophomore year...came new everything. New relationships and building closer friendships. I have to say that this year has been my best year ever in college. There is not a memory that I don't have from that year that I can ever remember being unhappy. When your that happy you expect it to keep soaring and sometimes it can and other times it can quickly reverse. Having that kind of happiness in life is reassuring, how can life get better from here?

Junior was my year for growing up. I learned a lot about myself this year. It was not my favorite year. When I look through pictures of this period I don't see the same smile I once had. It is at this point you learn the most about yourself from pictures, you can see what you did your best at hiding. This is the other important role of a photograph. Pictures show everything and hide nothing.

Now as Senior year is in full effect, I think back to those dreams I came into college with. How I was so hopeful and so energetic about it all. All those plans are gone. I am not a Kindergarden teacher hopeful, no where near my hopeful engagement to my high school sweetheart, dirt poor, but I do have the best friends that I knew I would make for the rest of my life. I have made other dreams to replace my fallen ones and that's what we have to do. Replace I've made BIG mistakes and I've made some great decisions. It's been a scary last couple of months, but all I know is to have faith, to be hopeful and know that the pictures I take this year are the most important...they are the essential ones that I'll always look back to and know that was my senior year of college.

But as much as we replace in life we will always have our pictures from the past to go back to and remember how we were at that point in our lives. We will remember the hopefulness happiness, sadness, or anger. We will look at how fat or thin, why did we wear that, short hair, long hair, big smile, or not even a grin....it will all be there but when we look at that picture we will know for those few seconds we have those memories we can only go on from there, learn from the past and strive for the best.
So take all the pictures possible because one day when your thoughts get fuzzy those pictures will ALWAYS remain clear.
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